A momentary lapse of reason.

There is not a moment that goes by when my own mother’s suicide is not in my thoughts. Though the immediate trauma has faded, anyone who has been in a similar situation will understand that the questions endure, the anger and frustration occasionally bubble to the surface.

Last Monday I awoke to the news that someone I know in Australia had taken their life – very unexpectedly and without any apparent reason. Needless to say, those around him are devastated, racking their brains for apparent reasons, wishing that they could have foreseen it coming.

It brought back distressing memories but made me think about how lucky I was to be surrounded by people that supported and cared for me afterwards.

Not everyone is so lucky, counselling not always affordable or available. Our Fathers focus is currently on mental health and, with your support, we will continue to help those in their darkest hour as well as those who have to live through the aftermath.

Our Fathers is not only a delicious, critically acclaimed wine, but a tangible way of supporting those suffering from mental health issues and those around them.

Please continue to support Our Fathers by buying wine and recommending to your friends and colleagues.
Thank you.

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